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Terms and




VERSION: September 2023

GRUPO ACTIUS CORPORATE (hereinafter referred to as THE COMPANY), with its business address at Pablo Villaseñor, 76 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, and RFC: VIM190905224, is the owner of the website, which provides access to the service platform.


These GENERAL CONDITIONS, the legal notice, the Privacy Policy, the Cookie Policy, and any other specific conditions published on this website for the provision of services by THE COMPANY, apply to any person with legal capacity who contracts the services of THE COMPANY through the website, the App (iOS/Android), or its electronic wallet platform (hereinafter, the Platform).

Grupo Actius Corporate is the company responsible for the website and the Platform located at that domain, as well as its content. Its main activity is providing various trading, educational, informational, and cryptocurrency or crypto-asset purchase and sale services (hereinafter, cryptocurrencies) through the electronic wallet service (hereinafter, Wallet), which allows the user to deposit and withdraw virtual currency, convert and transfer between different supported types of cryptocurrencies, buy and sell cryptocurrencies, and access centralized Platform trading services, as well as additional support services for cryptocurrency exchange, insurance contracting, real estate purchases/sales, various promotion consultancy services, and general coverage.

These GENERAL CONDITIONS must be accepted by the user in order to use the services of THE COMPANY's Platform, which require prior acceptance through the website or through the Metatrader5 Application for Android and iOS Smartphones and Tablets located on Google Play, App Store (hereinafter, the Application).

Failure to accept these GENERAL CONDITIONS during the registration processes for contracting THE COMPANY's services will prevent the use of THE COMPANY's Platform services.

By expressly accepting these GENERAL CONDITIONS, the user is deemed to have fully accepted them, having previously read and understood each of the terms, and agrees to comply with all the specifications established therein.


Adults with full legal capacity who subscribe to these GENERAL CONDITIONS (hereinafter “the user”) can acquire the status of User.

In cases where the user accesses the Platform on behalf of and representing a legal entity, the user accepts and declares that they have sufficient representation authority to bind the legal entity or Company they represent in the contracting of services. In such cases, access to THE COMPANY's Platform or registration as a Legal Entity, Company, or Professional will result in all service requests made by the user being attributable to the Legal Entity, and THE COMPANY will presume that they have been carried out by the latter.

Acquiring the status of User implies the reading and express acceptance without any reservation of the terms of these GENERAL CONDITIONS and the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy of THE COMPANY's Platform, which the user acknowledges having known before acceptance and may store and reproduce. Registration as a user of THE COMPANY's Platform is an essential requirement for contracting THE COMPANY's Platform services.

The user may access THE COMPANY's Platform services using the username and password generated during the registration process when subscribing to these GENERAL CONDITIONS.

The generated username and password, which will allow the user to identify themselves and use THE COMPANY's Platform services, are strictly personal and confidential. The user is responsible for maintaining their confidentiality. Consequently, the user expressly agrees that THE COMPANY presumes that service uses made with their identification credentials are carried out by the registered user, unless they have previously reported the loss or theft of them, in which case they must immediately proceed to change them. The password may be freely modified by the user through the procedures that THE COMPANY has established for this purpose. The replaced password will be invalidated as a means of identification at the same time the new one is generated.

THE COMPANY may block access to and use of THE COMPANY's Platform services when deemed necessary for security reasons.

THE COMPANY will adopt the organizational and technical measures in its computer equipment intended to ensure the proper use of the Service by Users and prevent unauthorized access that aims to disclose the financial information content accessible through the Service.


THE COMPANY provides the user with a simple and easy mediation way through its Platform to participate in investment funds in financial markets, as well as cryptocurrency exchange or exchange for other types of cryptocurrencies. Therefore, the object of these GENERAL CONDITIONS is the provision of a Wallet service, which enables the user to carry out cryptocurrency deposit and withdrawal operations, conversion, and transfer between different types of supported cryptocurrencies, buying and selling cryptocurrencies, and centralized trading Platform services (hereinafter trading services), as well as additional support and assistance services for cryptocurrency exchange through THE COMPANY's Platform.

THE COMPANY will be responsible for the correct provision of services through the Platform. The user agrees to use the Platform responsibly, exonerating THE COMPANY from any liability arising from improper, erroneous, or illegal use of the Platform or with the intent to commit illegal actions.


The GENERAL CONDITIONS will take effect and therefore apply to THE COMPANY and the user from the moment the following conditions are met:

The user has given their consent by clicking the "I have read and accept the GENERAL CONDITIONS AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS" button enabled on the Platform or Application.

However, in compliance with the provisions of Article 28 of Law 34/2002 of July 11 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), within a maximum period of twenty-four hours from the entry into force of the GENERAL CONDITIONS, THE COMPANY will confirm acceptance of these GENERAL CONDITIONS//TERMS AND CONDITIONS by confirming the entry into force of the contract.


THE COMPANY's website Privacy Policy must be accepted in conjunction with these GENERAL CONDITIONS//TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The information you provide to THE COMPANY is absolutely necessary to provide you with the necessary services so that you can, through the Platform, deposit, withdraw, and convert cryptocurrencies and legal tender (FIAT) securely, as well as other services. The required data will be treated in accordance with applicable Data Protection legislation. The Privacy Policy is accessible at the following link:


THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify these GENERAL CONDITIONS//TERMS AND CONDITIONS without prior notice. Changes and modifications will be notified to users, and it is the user's responsibility to review these GENERAL CONDITIONS accessible at

For these purposes, it will be considered that the user fully accepts the new GENERAL CONDITIONS/TERMS AND CONDITIONS if, after a period of one month from making the modification of the GENERAL CONDITIONS available to all users, the user has not requested deregistration or cancellation of the service. The user may, during the mentioned period, express that they do not agree with the changes made to the GENERAL CONDITIONS, and must request the cancellation or deregistration of THE COMPANY's service.


On the Platform, there will be links to third-party websites that are governed by their own conditions, and THE COMPANY will not be responsible for the operations that the user may perform through those entities unrelated to THE COMPANY. Similarly, the Privacy Policy or General Conditions of those entities are unrelated to THE COMPANY, so the user should consider this to know that both the General Conditions and the Privacy Policy of these third parties are solely their responsibility and not that of THE COMPANY.


Minors cannot use the services that THE COMPANY provides through the website or Application, so any request for membership in THE COMPANY by a minor under eighteen years (18) will be denied.


Cryptocurrency or crypto-asset transactions are carried out directly, without the need for an intermediary. Unlike most currencies, cryptocurrencies are not backed by any government or rely on trust in any central issuer, but instead use other systems to prevent double-spending and reach consensus among all nodes in the network.

Every transaction made between users of its network is recorded and creates a digital signature to prevent fraud and forgery, being stored permanently on the network.

Cryptocurrency transactions that can be verified through some internet addresses such as, in principle, do not allow the identification of the user of THE COMPANY involved in a transaction, but the user should know that the system cannot guarantee complete anonymity.

Due to complex encryption and security procedures, cryptocurrency forgery or theft is highly unlikely, but there is a risk that procedures or software may fail. Payments made by the user in cryptocurrencies are irreversible, and computer errors in legitimate payments with cryptocurrencies are very low since the system performs checks to try to avoid them. Most errors in payments are due to human error when entering incorrect data, so THE COMPANY is not responsible for transfers made by users.


Certain Platform services do not require express acceptance of these GENERAL CONDITIONS because they are freely accessible services or functions regulated in THE COMPANY's website Legal Notice. Platform users may use the freely accessible services provided on THE COMPANY's website, as well as all individuals or legal entities that access the website.

Acquiring the status of User for the provision of Wallet services, cryptocurrency purchase/sale, and trading services requires users who register on the Platform to provide information required by Law 10/2010 of April 28 on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing (hereinafter LPBC) necessary for compliance with formal customer identification obligations.

Depending on the service and the economic thresholds of the operations to be performed by the user, different levels of information will be requested, in order to allow services with more functionalities and higher economic thresholds in the operations that the final user wishes to perform.

The requested information may include, among others, the mobile phone number and transaction amount, name and surname, username and password, email address, security code sent to the email, or security code required for two-factor authentication, profession, and date of birth, as well as other possible data or necessary information depending on the type of transaction selected by the user.

The type of user will also determine the information to be requested depending on whether they are an individual or legal entity, requiring information such as National Identity Document, residence card, foreign identity card or passport, invoices, videoconferencing, deeds, shareholding structure, accreditation of business activity, etc., in application of the provisions of Law 10/2010 of April 28 on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and other applicable legislation as deemed appropriate.

THE COMPANY may request additional information at any time in order to learn more about the purpose and nature of the user's business relationship, possibly even through a third party. The lack of information or the presence of indications of Money Laundering in the provided data will allow THE COMPANY to unilaterally terminate the service contract.

All communication between the user and THE COMPANY will be conducted through the channels provided by THE COMPANY, such as email and telephone.


This contract has a duration of one year from its acceptance and signing, being automatically renewable for periods of the same duration indefinitely, unless either party notifies the other of their intention not to renew. However, the user may request the termination of the contract at any time. In any case, the user may not terminate the contract until they have fulfilled all their payment obligations to THE COMPANY.



12.1.1 Conditions and Restrictions.

THE COMPANY may, at any time and at its sole discretion, reject any transaction submitted through the Services, impose limits on the amounts of transactions permitted through the Services, or impose any other condition or restriction on the use of the Services without prior notice. For example, the number of orders on the Platform may be limited, or transactions from certain locations may be restricted.

12.1.2 Accuracy of Information.

The user must provide any information required when creating their account on the Platform or as requested by any screen displayed within the Services. The user represents and warrants that any information provided through the Services is accurate and complete.

12.1.3 Cancellations.

The user may only cancel an initiated order or service request if such cancellation occurs before THE COMPANY executes the transaction. Once your order or request has been executed, you cannot change, withdraw, or cancel your authorization for THE COMPANY to carry out that transaction or provide that service. If an order or service request has been partially completed, you may cancel the remaining uncompleted portion unless the order relates to a market operation. We reserve the right to reject any cancellation request associated with a market order once you have submitted that order. Unlike exchange orders, all exchanges are irreversible once initiated. While we may, at our sole discretion, reverse a transaction under certain extraordinary conditions, a customer has no right to a reversal of a transaction.

12.1.4 Insufficient Funds.

If you have an insufficient amount of funds in your COMPANY Account to complete an order or service request, we may cancel the entire order or complete a partial order using the amount of funds currently available in your COMPANY Account, less the fees owed to THE COMPANY in connection with the transaction.

12.1.5 Taxes.

The user is responsible for determining what taxes, if any, apply to the transactions they carry out through the Services, and it is their responsibility to report and remit the correct tax to the appropriate tax authority. The user agrees that THE COMPANY is not responsible for determining whether taxes apply to their transactions or for collecting, reporting, withholding, or remitting taxes arising from any transaction.

12.2 Electronic Wallet or Wallet.

To operate on the Platform, THE COMPANY will provide the user with wallets from which they can buy cryptocurrencies, exchange them for other types of supported cryptocurrencies, and later exchange them for legal tender (FIAT) through links to other websites that provide these services under their specific terms and conditions.

The user must also accept all terms of these GENERAL CONDITIONS and Privacy Policy by clicking the "I have read and accept the GENERAL CONDITIONS" button after reviewing them through the established hyperlinks or requesting their sending via email at

In accordance with the provisions of Article 27.1 of Law 34/2002 of July 11 on information society services and electronic commerce (LSSI), THE COMPANY expressly states that it will archive the electronic document in which the Service contract is registered.

If deemed appropriate, THE COMPANY may require the user to provide data deemed relevant for compliance with Law 10/2010 of April 28 on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing; if the user refuses to provide this data, THE COMPANY may unilaterally terminate the service.

Similarly, THE COMPANY reserves the right to suspend the user's operations until it has been able to confirm and verify the legality and legitimacy of the operations.

12.3 Supported Currencies.

The Platform or Application supports the main cryptocurrencies in the market, as well as some of the main legal tender (FIAT) currencies, with Bitcoin being the selected cryptocurrency for fund entries and exits.

12.4 Wallet Limitations.

Due to technical limitations, some cryptocurrency wallets of THE COMPANY may not have the capability to make deposits, withdrawals, or other functionality, and for this reason, the platform will maintain notices regarding which ones are applicable at any given time.

THE COMPANY actively works to support more cryptocurrencies and ensure that supported cryptocurrencies have all functionalities.

12.5 Deposit Services.

Deposit of funds into the Wallet.

One way to operate on THE COMPANY's Platform is by depositing funds into your Wallet. You may be asked to verify that you control the external account used to deposit funds into your Wallet. THE COMPANY is not responsible for any external account fees or charges or for the management and security of any external account. You are solely responsible for the use of any external account, and you agree to comply with all terms and conditions applicable to any external account. The time associated with a load transaction will depend in part on the performance of third parties responsible for maintaining the applicable external account, and THE COMPANY does not guarantee the time it may take to deposit funds into your Wallet.

Rejected Transactions

In some cases, the external account may reject your funds or may not be available. You agree not to hold THE COMPANY responsible for damages resulting from such rejected transactions.

12.5.1 Deposits with Cryptocurrency.

The user may deposit funds into their COMPANY account through the cryptocurrencies supported by THE COMPANY. Deposits can only be made in those cryptocurrencies that support the deposit functionality.

To do so, the user must send the desired funds to the address provided by THE COMPANY. The user must only send cryptocurrencies of the type that THE COMPANY indicates for the address used.

THE COMPANY is not responsible if the user does not send the correct cryptocurrency to THE COMPANY's deposit addresses.

All cryptocurrency deposits from THE COMPANY's Platform can be verified on a compatible blockchain explorer, for example, Bitcoin can be checked on

THE COMPANY securely stores the private keys of digital currencies, which are the means by which cryptocurrency transactions are conducted. As a result of the Platform's security protocols, it may be necessary to retrieve private keys or related information from cryptocurrency storage to facilitate or execute a transaction.

12.6 Withdrawal Services.

Withdrawal of funds to an external wallet. As long as the balance of funds in the user's Wallet is greater than any minimum balance requirement necessary to satisfy any of their open positions, they may withdraw from their Wallet to an external account any amount of funds up to the total amount of funds in their Wallet that exceeds said minimum, less fees charged by THE COMPANY for this type of transaction (as described in Clause 12. FEES AND CHARGES FOR FUND MANAGEMENT).

12.7. Withdrawal with cryptocurrencies.

The user may withdraw funds from their COMPANY account through the cryptocurrencies supported by THE COMPANY. Withdrawals can only be made in those cryptocurrencies that support the withdrawal functionality.

To do so, the user must withdraw by entering the destination address of the desired cryptocurrency. The user must only send cryptocurrencies of the type that the destination address can receive.

The user agrees that THE COMPANY may charge certain costs for these withdrawals as strictly necessary, for example, miner costs, exchanges, etc.

THE COMPANY is not responsible if the destination address provided by the user in the withdrawal form is incorrect or if they cannot manage their private key that authorizes them to operate with the received cryptocurrencies.

Withdrawals of cryptocurrencies from THE COMPANY's Platform can be verified on a compatible blockchain explorer, for example, Bitcoin can be checked on

For security reasons, cryptocurrency withdrawals may be manually reviewed by THE COMPANY's team, with the transaction being processed to the blockchain network after review. This process will take the minimum time strictly necessary, with a security period established between 48/72 hours.

12.8 Additional Information.

To facilitate understanding the use of the provided services, THE COMPANY provides the user with additional detailed information on registration processes, buying and selling, as well as other related information on the use or basic concepts of Cryptocurrencies and THE COMPANY's Platform on its website

From the link indicated in the previous paragraph, the user may contact THE COMPANY's Support Service at any time to make any inquiries they deem appropriate by selecting the "NEW TICKET" option.


THE COMPANY is obligated to:

a. Address all inquiries that may be made by the user with the greatest diligence possible, arising from the use of the services included on the website.

b. Provide the service to the user in accordance with the provisions of these GENERAL CONDITIONS.

c. Keep THE COMPANY's Platform operational 24 hours a day, except for temporary interruptions due to website maintenance, technical or computer issues such as internet outages caused by any reason, hacking attacks, and similar situations that temporarily make service provision impossible. This will be restored as soon as the issues have been resolved.

d. Notify any movement that THE COMPANY may consider suspicious in terms of compromising the user's account security for further analysis.

THE COMPANY is not obligated to:

a. Carry out transactions intended to transfer to users cryptocurrencies resulting from free distributions or AIRDROPS, nor from forks in blockchain chains or FORKS. THE COMPANY reserves the right to carry out such transactions as deemed appropriate and within the timeframes it considers.

The user is obligated to:

  1. Provide the information required in the forms in the cases mentioned in the previous sections when selling cryptocurrencies.

  2. Confirm acceptance of these GENERAL CONDITIONS by clicking the "I have read and accept the GENERAL CONDITIONS" button.

  3. Communicate to THE COMPANY all the necessary data for accessing and using the services that require prior identification, which must be truthful, current, and accurate.

  4. Take the necessary security measures, both personal and material, to maintain the confidentiality of relevant data provided by THE COMPANY or its partners, and immediately notify THE COMPANY of the loss, theft, access by unauthorized third parties, or any illegitimate use of their credentials and/or their knowledge by third parties. The user expressly accepts that any service use carried out with their access credentials has been performed by themselves.

  5. Make appropriate use of the Services included in THE COMPANY's Platform, always in accordance with the legal system.

  6. Refrain from engaging in any activity that hinders or interferes with the operation of the Services included in THE COMPANY's Platform.

  7. Be responsible for all operations made on their user account, exonerating THE COMPANY from any liability.


  1. The user ensures that they understand and have the necessary knowledge to use blockchain systems and services and that they are fully aware of the risks associated with buying and selling cryptocurrencies and using blockchain. THE COMPANY will not be responsible for any loss of cryptocurrencies or traditional currencies or situations that make access to them impossible, which may result from any action or omission by the user.

  2. The user accepts that the purchase/sale of cryptocurrencies may involve a high risk due to price fluctuations that may result in a partial or total loss of investment. The user acknowledges the risk involved in selling cryptocurrencies, so THE COMPANY will not be liable for any losses or gains incurred by the user when depositing their cryptocurrencies with THE COMPANY.

  3. THE COMPANY does not provide any advice to the user in any field, whether fiscal, financial, economic, accounting, commercial, or any other. Therefore, the decisions made by the user are made on a personal basis.

  4. Cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible, so the user must take the utmost precautions when making payments or providing a correct public wallet address. The user will not claim from THE COMPANY any amount in virtual or traditional currency sent from their user account.

  5. THE COMPANY assumes no liability for internet network failures, blockchain failures of cryptocurrencies, banks, or any hacking software attack resulting in the loss or disappearance of the user's cryptocurrencies.

  6. The user declares they are aware of all the risks involved in owning cryptocurrencies, thereby exonerating THE COMPANY from any liability for the loss of their cryptocurrencies.

Any incidents in the operation of banking entities will be the sole responsibility of those entities.

Likewise, any incidents arising from the use of legal tender payment and receipt methods will be the sole responsibility of the provider of those methods.

  1. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of any error occurring during the cryptocurrency purchase and sale process, the user may contact THE COMPANY's support service at


The Services offered through THE COMPANY's Platform comply with the provisions of Mexican legal regulations. THE COMPANY is not responsible for those services that do not comply with the legal regulations of other countries to which the services offered through THE COMPANY's Platform may be provided.

THE COMPANY is exempt from any liability in case of misuse or contrary to the legal system of THE COMPANY's Platform by the user.

THE COMPANY assumes no liability for any damage, loss that may occur as a result of unforeseeable events, or that even foreseen were inevitable, whether by fortuitous event or force majeure.

THE COMPANY assumes no responsibility for any failure, technical error, accident, breakdown, tampering, service interruption, or any other incident that may arise in equipment or technical services unrelated to THE COMPANY, whose use is necessary for the provision of the Service.

THE COMPANY will not be liable in cases of service unavailability due to force majeure or temporary suspension for technical reasons.

THE COMPANY assumes no responsibility for misuse of the user's access credentials unless they have previously reported their loss, theft, or misplacement, in which case the user must immediately change them through the procedures established by THE COMPANY. The replaced password will be canceled as a means of identification at the same time the new one is generated. The user expressly accepts that any service use carried out with their access credentials has been performed by themselves.

THE COMPANY is not responsible for loss of funds due to fraud against the user by third parties, such as a scam asking for payment in cryptocurrencies for a service that never materializes.

THE COMPANY prohibits the purchase of cryptocurrency at THE COMPANY to pay for a ransom typically demanded by ransomware (such as Cryptolocker). If the user finds themselves in this situation, our team invites all users to contact the police and never make the payment.

The user will be responsible for any damages caused to third parties by the provided data, including but not limited to the following actions:

● Use of outdated, false, or inaccurate data.

● Use by third parties of the user's personal keys.

THE COMPANY does not recommend investing in cryptocurrencies to individuals who are not fully aware of the service they are contracting and do not fully understand how it is being provided.


If deemed necessary, THE COMPANY may assign or subcontract the contracts formalized with users to other entities to carry out the contract's purpose as established in these GENERAL CONDITIONS.


THE COMPANY will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the user can access the services in accordance with these General Conditions. However, THE COMPANY may temporarily suspend services for maintenance or updates and will make every reasonable effort to inform you of such Scheduled Maintenance. The user acknowledges that this may not be possible in emergency cases and accepts the associated risks that the user may not always be able to access, use, or perform transactions with THE COMPANY Account.

Therefore, THE COMPANY may temporarily and without prior notice interrupt the service for necessary maintenance tasks for the proper functioning of THE COMPANY's Platform.

Failure by the user to comply with the following obligations will result in the temporary suspension of the service on THE COMPANY's Platform:

a. Detection by THE COMPANY of fraudulent operations.

b. Lack of additional information necessary for user identification.

c. Failure to accept possible updates to the GENERAL CONDITIONS or Privacy Policy.

The suspension of the service results in the following consequences:

  1. THE COMPANY will notify you of its decision to temporarily suspend your activity on the Platform, indicating the reason for the suspension (except when legally obligated not to do so), and will require actions to be taken to regularize the situation.

  2. The user will not have access to the Platform during this period and, therefore, will not be able to carry out any operations on it.

  3. This temporary suspension becomes permanent after THIRTY (30) days from the beginning of the temporary suspension if the situation has not been regularized or updated with the necessary information to continue operating on THE COMPANY's Platform. After those THIRTY (30) days without regularizing the situation, and in the event of having a balance in any of the currencies in your Wallet, it will be blocked and considered an "account with abandoned balance and/or deposit," and THE COMPANY will apply the current legal regulations or, if applicable, act in accordance with the orders of the competent authorities.


This contract will be terminated for the following reasons:

  1. Non-acceptance of the modification of the Privacy Policy, GENERAL CONDITIONS, or service price: The contract will be automatically terminated.

  2. Breach by either party of any essential obligation of the contract: The other party may unilaterally terminate this contract.

  3. At the express request of the user: The user may decide at any time to terminate this contract by communicating their decision to the following email address: When this contract is terminated for any reason, the user cannot request THE COMPANY to undo the operation or operations carried out during the duration of the contractual relationship. Therefore, no returns of cryptocurrencies deposited with THE COMPANY or restitution of cash (legal tender) will be allowed.


If for any reason any provision of these GENERAL CONDITIONS is considered null, this will not affect the remaining provisions of the contract, which will remain in force for the established term.


The services provided by Grupo Actius Corporate require the processing of personal data.

Grupo Actius Corporate is committed to protecting privacy and providing a secure user experience. By contracting the services, the user explicitly agrees to the processing of their data as described in THE COMPANY's Privacy Policy established at


THE COMPANY's activity as a provider of promotion and investment fund services is currently not subject to Law 10/2010 on Money Laundering Prevention and Terrorist Financing, with cryptocurrency transactions such as BITCOIN not currently included within the obligated entities defined in Article 2 of Law 10/2010 of PBC.

Notwithstanding the above, THE COMPANY, as a Collaborating Agent of the aforementioned electronic money service providers and payment methods necessary for the provision of Platform services, voluntarily complies with the current regulations on money laundering prevention and other complementary regulations. To this end, THE COMPANY informs you that such regulations require, among other obligations, the documentary identification of its users, collecting information on the nature of their professional or business activity, and informing, either at the request of the Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Infractions, or ex officio, of any fact or operation where there is an indication or certainty that it is related to money laundering.


The user has a User Support Service to directly contact an agent at the following address:


In relation to the services for participation in investment funds provided by THE COMPANY, and by virtue of the provisions of Article 20, paragraph one, ordinal 18th, letter m) of Law 37/1992, such mediation services are exempt from Value Added Tax, and therefore:

There will be no obligation to issue an invoice, except in the cases contained in paragraph 2 of Article 2 of this Regulation, for the following transactions: a) Transactions exempt from Value Added Tax, pursuant to the provisions of Article 20 of its governing law, with the exception of transactions referred to in paragraph 2 below. However, the issuance of an invoice will be mandatory for exempt transactions of this Tax in accordance with Article 20.

However, the issuance of an invoice will be mandatory for exempt transactions of this Tax in accordance with Article 20.One.2.o, 3.o, 4.o, 5.o, 15.o, 20.o, 22.o, 24.o, 25.o, and 28.o of the VAT Law.

We only issue an invoice and a copy of it in all cases where the recipient is a company or professional acting as such, regardless of the tax regime to which the entrepreneur or professional carrying out the transaction is subject.

To do this, the client must request said invoice from THE COMPANY, and it will be delivered within a maximum of 60 working days.


THE COMPANY relies on third-party electronic money licenses. THE COMPANY will offer, depending on the geography and the regulation applicable to the client, the available banks to operate with THE COMPANY.

By accepting these terms and conditions, you also accept the terms and conditions of the various electronic money entities we use.


THE COMPANY's Platform, its source code, and the content it hosts are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property laws. They may not be exploited, reproduced, distributed, modified, publicly communicated, transferred, or transformed unless expressly authorized in writing by the rights holders.

The design, images, labels, distinctive signs, trade name, trademarks, logos, products, and services contained in THE COMPANY are protected by Industrial Property Law.

Access to this Platform of THE COMPANY does not grant users any rights or ownership over the intellectual or industrial property rights or the content it hosts. Users who access this Platform of THE COMPANY may not copy, modify, distribute, transmit, reproduce, publish, transfer, or sell the aforementioned elements or create new products or services derived from the information obtained without the express written authorization of THE COMPANY.

Altering the content or structure of this Platform of THE COMPANY by the user is strictly prohibited.

THE COMPANY reserves the right to take legal action against users who violate or infringe intellectual and industrial property rights.


This contract will be interpreted and governed in accordance with the current Mexican legislation.

Both parties, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit any interpretation or dispute arising from this contract to the Courts that, according to the legal order, have jurisdiction.

© Grupo Actius 2023 - Mexico. All rights reserved.


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