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More than 7 Investment Funds managed efficiently, strategic Financial products and Technological infrastructure, using alliances and the most modern services in the world through Blockchain, Crypto-assets and Artificial Intelligence on the Forex Stock Market.

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With a network of advisors and associates throughout the Mexican Republic, as well as various countries in Latin America, Spain and Italy, in constant search of solutions

for the current problems of our community.

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Actius, the financial firm, was founded in November 2012 by its current CFO, Victor Cistero. From that moment on, the objective has been, is and will be to create, protect and promote the assets of our clients and distributors.

In September 2019 , its institutionalization begins, creating the Shareholders' Council through the ACTIUS CORPORATE Group and the Investment Promotion Company called VHM IMPULS with the integration of its current CEO Manu Paqué and CTO Héctor Vera.

In September 2020 , in the midst of the health emergency, the Actius Corporate Group has created jobs, surpassed performance indices, and welcomed new technological, real estate, financial and educational projects through its brands:

  • Xperienz Living & Working

  • Actius Academy

  • eTradeDirect


  • I want my house

  • ImpulsPay


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TEL: +52 1 33 1000 4998

C/ PABLO VILLASeñor No. 76



SCHEDULE 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

©2023 by ACTIUS CORPORATE - Website created by:

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